Pivot-mounted glazed doors at the Royal Hamilius

Located in the hyper centre of Luxembourg, the ROYAL HAMILIUS is a block of 36 000 sq. m of floor space, including 7 500 sq. m of residences, 10 000 sq. m of offices and workspaces, 2 500 sq. m of public spaces, and 16,000 sq. m of shops and restaurants.

Bloc-porte CF et RPTBloc-porte CF et RPT
Porte vitrée en bord à bord.Porte vitrée en bord à bord.
Laissez passer la lumière grâce à la porte vitrée VITROPLUS DOORTALLaissez passer la lumière grâce à la porte vitrée VITROPLUS DOORTAL
Résistance au feu et isolantes, découvrez la Vitroplus DOORTALRésistance au feu et isolantes, découvrez la Vitroplus DOORTAL
Porte sur pivots avec classification coupe-feu et thermiquePorte sur pivots avec classification coupe-feu et thermique
Porte thermique et anti-incendie.Porte thermique et anti-incendie.

Products supplied:

  • 18 VITROPLUS doors with thermal breaks, including 3 with overpanels
  • 6 large EI90 fixed glazed panels
  • 2 VITROPLUS EI30 and EI60 glazed door sets



Technical specialities:

  • Door sets with external glazing glued to the door leaf (stick system), arranged edge to edge, so that the door leaf structure is not visible from the outside
  • Glazed doors with pivots built into the frame with soft closing
  • Large fixed panels EI90, up to 2.5 x 3.5 metres, with mainly glazed infill

Key players:

  • Project owner: Codic Luxembourg S.A.
  • Architecture: Foster & Partners

Associated products