Paris La Défense Aréna

Construction of PARIS LA DÉFENSE ARÉNA, largest arena in Europe, hosting all Racing 92 rugby games, with a maximum capacity of 40 000 spectators in concert seating arrangement.

DOORTAL - U aréna façadeDOORTAL - U aréna façade
DOORTAL - U aréna porteDOORTAL - U aréna porte
DOORTAL - U aréna porte phoniqueDOORTAL - U aréna porte phonique
DOORTAL - U aréna porte phiniqueDOORTAL - U aréna porte phinique
DOORTAL - U aréna phoniplusDOORTAL - U aréna phoniplus
DOORTAL - U aréna coupe-feu et acoustiqueDOORTAL - U aréna coupe-feu et acoustique

Products supplied:

Series of doors at the main entrance and emergency exits areas, about sixty PYROPLUS 60 and PHONIPLUS 40 double leaves door sets

Innovations et avantages DOORTAL :

  • Innovative concept of a lock with stainless steel pull handle adapted to large stream of people, severe acoustic requirements, fire resistance and emergency exit in case of fire
  • Door sets and equipment in accordance with architectural demands on site: elegant finish of vision panels, handles, etc.
  • 10 year warranty door sets with very low-maintenance due to built-in locking rods totally invisible to the public


2016 – 2017

Key players:

  • Project owner : Racing ARENA
  • Architect / Contractor : Christian de Portzamparc
  • Acoustics expert : AVEL Acoustique

Associated products